
Thursday, June 4, 2009

Sci-Fi Cargo Containers from Coke caps.

Well I came up with a little project today. Last night my wife came home with a bunch of caps from Coke bottles she got from work. They all have a code or something you can enter into some on-line contest. When she was done she asked me if I thought we could make some kind of terrain out of them. I picked up town of them and stuck the rims together and it looked a bit like some kind of chemical barrel or cargo container. I made a few today. Nine out of her lids and three from two litre bottles.

These are the kinds of caps I used from the little 20oz bottles.

Here they are glued together with super glue.

Some 28mm minis for scale refference.

Basecoated with an olive green spray paint.


I added some hazard signes I got from this location:

And here is the final results with a basic wash of dark burnt umber and some different colored sludge for a bit more color and detail on some of the containers.


  1. Those look far better than I expected they would at the start of that post, nice work :)

    Did you have any problems getting the glue or paint to stick to that plastic?

  2. Nope no trouble really. Thanks.

  3. Excellent idea! Consider it stolen :)

  4. Excellent idea. At the rate I consume the fizzy stuff, I should be able to make a cargo ship full of these in no time.

