
Sunday, October 11, 2009

Ol' Roy of the V.F.U.W.

Hey I'm working on a Biker Gang for my Resident Evil campiagn. I'm using Hotwheels bikes and plastic GW minis for the bikers. I'm mostly using Catachan Jungle Fighters and other GW bits for the bikers. Each biker will have a mounted and dismounted version and if everything turns out like I plan I'll be able to remove the mounted bikers from the bikes so I can use the parked bikes as scenery. My curent plan is to just put the riders on the bikes with a little bit of sticky tack so they can be easily mounted and dismounted as the game progresses.

First up is Ol' Roy a frankenmini of GW bits. His body and legs are from the Catachan Jungle Fighter box. His head is from the White Wolves head sprue from the Empire fantasy army. His arms are both from the Militia boxed set for the Empire fantasy army. His right hand and SMG is from the Necromundia boxed set. His left hand mounted version is also from the Empire Militia set.

The way the legs worked out on the mounted version makes it look like he is standing on the bikes pegs which is good because these Hotwheels bikes are way overscale but easy to come by so I'm using them. Honestly they arn't any bigger than the various GW bikes so they don't look that bad with GW figs in my opinion.

Ol' Roy here is part of the V.F.U.W. biker gang or Veterans of Fucked Up Wars. They will be used primarily in my Resident Evil "Hunters" campaign.


  1. Yeah I've been thinking about taking the biks apart and painting the engines and front forks and handle bars but leaving the factory paint on the rest. I might add some weathering too. I'm not really sure though and I'll probably just leave them as is for a bit anyway.

  2. Awesome conversion, I may need to steal that idea at some later point. Though I will point out that you too have done something that aggravates me as a motorcycle rider. The pistol is in his right hand. That hand controls the throttle.

  3. well the left arms have been more suitable for grasping the handle bars. There arn't a whole lot of open right hands on GW plastic sprues. :)
