
Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Old MacSpacey had a farm, ee i ee i oh!

 I just wanted to show off a brilliant space farm that was made almost entirely by my wargaming wife.  We built this for our generic and as yet unnamed sci-fi game setting.  It represents a farm in the area surrounding Station 42 and is part of that setting although this farm could be used in just about any sci-fi setting even the "Grim and Dark" ones I suppose.  Here are the buildings from left to right.  The pig barn, the hydroponics lab, a fuel tank, a com station, the farm house, a water tank, the garage, and the tool shed.  Below are some close up shots with several 28mm miniatures for scale.


  1. Your wife is an absolute genius-I love it!

  2. Really cool stuff, where did the big mech come from?

  3. I got the warbot from Dollar General. It was part of a 3 pack of multi part posable robots that cost $5.00. They had two different sets so I picked up one of each pack. I will say the plastic is a little softer than I thought so if you track them down and paint some up don't seal them with spray varnish. I painted a sealed two and they both off gassed. One of them did it really bad. They take primer just fine though. The bases are also crap. I am planning on just using big round bases from now on. The town I live in has two DG stores and there is another one in the next town a few miles away. I have seen them at all three stores recently. They are a steel.

  4. Holy crap this latest installment looks so awesome.

  5. That is very fine indeed. I find it very inspiring! I've been doing some terrain also it is very cool to make terrain that is not military oriented...I mean not all battles are fought on military bases or industrial complexes! Great work would like to compare notes sometimes.

  6. Those complexes are fantastic and I would love to steal, er, emulate your designs for my own terrain collection. I recognize the noodle bowls for the roofs but what are the supports made of? They are magnificent and I almost recognize them.

  7. mostly the supports are different kinds of hair curlers.


    Very, very inspiring, thank you very much for sharing! :O)
