Two spacers drag their crewmember into a nearby building after the Pathfinder was shot by Angel and his mercenary comrades.
It was early in Spring and storms had ravaged the area leaving the roads muddy and difficult to traverse. though they were less than 16 miles from Threshold the journey would be difficult. On their first day out they came across a creek that was flooded out of it's banks with a fast current. They managed to get across but Dara and Benzy were nearly swept away when the log they were using to ford the river snapped under their weight. Fortunately they had tied off a rope between two trees to aide their crossing. Soaked through from their crossing they managed to find shelter in a rocky overhang where they could build a fire.
They set out the next day in a heavy rain. Rosco was getting sick from the weather and Dara wasn't looking too well either. Fortunately they found an abandoned camp at the junction in the road near some old ruins. No one was in camp but there were two empty tents and a smoldering fire. The road to the ruin seemed to have been cleared and the abandoned camp seemed suspicious but they didn't have much choice. Benzy and Putzstaff decided to split the watch while their companions slept.
About an hour before dawn Putzstaff was keeping watch the hairs on the back of his neck stood up. He knew he was being watched. Scanning the area he saw a pair of glowing red eyes watching the camp from a wood across the road. He started waking his companions but the eyes had vanished.
At the crack of dawn the goblin made their attack. First a large force came down the road to the ruins and attacked the party then another charged up the road from the direction of Threshold. Dara caved in one of the goblins skulls with a shot from her sling but within moments they were surrounded and fighting for their lives.
I was most happy with the way the bases blend into the red clay side of the battle board. I think the color also provides a nice contrast to the Space Marines armor.
Assembly was interesting. I have not played 40K in several editions although I did have a few 8th edition miniatures. I'm not a big fan of the push to fit assembly but these went together pretty well with only a few mold lines to clean up. I like the size and dynamic posing of the newer Games Workshop models but I miss the utility of the older multi part kits.
Next I did some highlighting using a makeup brush for my drybrushing. I used a pretty cheap brush but it worked pretty well. These are really bright for my intended Dark Angels color scheme but I'm going to used some oil washes to finish these models so that will darken them considerably. I know I use craft paints. Deal....