Well I actually did a project in the last few days pretty much start to finish. I painted up 10 Cultist from Bob Murch's Pulp Figures line as La Confrérie de La Mort Rouge (The Brotherhood of the Red Death) for my B.M.A.P. pulp game. These are pretty rushed paint jobs but I like the way they came out.
Monday, December 22, 2008
La Confrérie de La Mort Rouge
Well I actually did a project in the last few days pretty much start to finish. I painted up 10 Cultist from Bob Murch's Pulp Figures line as La Confrérie de La Mort Rouge (The Brotherhood of the Red Death) for my B.M.A.P. pulp game. These are pretty rushed paint jobs but I like the way they came out.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
No Battle Reports?
Hopefully that will change soon. I'm going to start running some Pulp miniature adventure games using the Savage Worlds rules and nice terrain. I'm pretty well adjusted to my new home and I have most of my miniature and terrain stuff unpacked and sorted out so hopefully I'll be able to get back into the swing of making terrain for nice battle reports.
With any luck I'll have some kind of game report up in the next week.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Freikorps Squad 2

Monday, October 13, 2008
Sister Sisters.

Here's my old Mark I Immolater. I decided to use the green that I'm using on the inside of the sister's tabbards as my main tank color. I think it looks snazzy. This tank will get a umber wash and highlights and details of course.
Squad Alpha is tabletop ready. I think I did an ok job matching the armor though it's not perfect. The new models are what most of my army will look like anyway. They are the ones with the static grass. Eventually I'll re-work the bases on the older models and give them a bit more highlighting but for now that's going to have to wait.
Squad Beta is comming along. I've only got a few hours in them so far. When painting squads I try to start with the big areas then work to the smaller areas that way the steps get shorter and shorter.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Pegasus Hobbies Gothic Church
Straight out of the box the most disappointing thing is the lack of instructions. In fact the instructions were a one side one sheet affair. Gordon can't understand it either.
The first thing we did was put together the parts that did have instructions. The flying buttresses, rose window, and roof arches. These went together easily. There are some chunky flash areas and some other bits that need to be trimmed up a bit but a big exacto is the only tool I used in the basic assembly.
Oddly enough the hardest bit to assemble were the doors although they were not all that hard. You want to set them up to swing out like this.
Here are the doors and walls. They go together fairly easily I wouldn't personally recommend gluing these parts until you at least dry fit the entire structure together first.
Anyway that's basic assemble of this kit. I'm really happy with it so far. I think I have fewer than three hours on the assemble and I was bumbling around a bit. I would say that this kit could go together in less than an hour if someone was really in a rush or they had some experiences with the other kits like it. I'll follow this up with final assembly and painting. With any luck I'll have a new building for my table by the end of the week!
Another New Studio
Here's my painting desk in the right wall. I've got a smaller five tier shelf in the corner because that's all that would fit there. My paint desk is still not in order but it is in place.
Here's a shot of the left hand corner behind the door. I have some more short shelves and as you can see there is a small closet in this room as well.
Ah yes and here's Gordon the studio gorilla reading my copy of Savage Worlds a game I haven't played yet but am dying to try. Gordon seems to like it anyway.
I've shown you what is and now you get to see what could be. This is the garage. The last people who rented this place apparently stole the garage door. They also stole the refrigerator and stove. I'm not sure why. Anyway we're trying to get the door replaced and I hope to get the garage re-wired since the old wiring has been cut. Pretty soon I hope to turn this into the uber terrain studio.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Technical Difficulties.

Thursday, August 21, 2008
Longest "Speed Paint" project ever.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Gamer ADD
Games I'm currently involved in:
Shadowrun: Fortunately as a player and we aren't real miniatures heavy on the Shadowrun game. The GM has a bunch of the old Ral Partha Shadowrun minis in various stages of somewhat painted. I'm glad at least he's doing miniatures in some form because SR combat can get "interesting".
Serenity: I'm running this game and doing a ton of miniature projects for it but I'm starting to waver. I've only finished minis for about half the party and one of the PCs doesn't have a mini at all finished or not. I've still got a half painted fed squad and a pack of reavers that are still in their blisters. I have finished several NPC types but I'd say I still have 50-100 minis to finish for this project. The game is currently on hold until September due to schedule conflicts among the players.
BMAP: This is my family pulp adventure game and it's stalled due to the fact that I'm not ready to continue to the next scenario due to not having all the minis or terrain done yet. Moving house really hurt this campaign and our one non family member player now lives like 90 miles away. Hopefully I'll get back on this "soon"
Games I'm suppose to be working on:
Blackfeather: Another pulp adventure game set in the U.S. Only played one session of this game so far.
Star Wars Star Destroyer Liberty: I was suppose to start this Clone Wars era campaign over a month ago but I just can't get it together.
Warhammer Fantasy Battles: I'm suppose to be helping get a Warhammer league going at one of the local game shops but I'm not up on the current rules yet and my armies are still half packed up from the move.
Warhammer 40k: Never tell anyone you have enough minis to make an army for this game. They will immediately start pressuring you to join their 40k game group.
Games I really, really, really, want to play:
Sky Pirates: Still working slowly on a campaign that I plan to run spanning both "Weird Wars". I have planes and some minis but can't get a group interested yet. Probably a good thing due to other projects. This one will have to simmer on the back burner for a while I'm afraid. I'll certainly work on it but only a little at a time.
Santa Carlito Zombie Republic: A recent idea for a Zombie outbreak game I plan to set on the fictitious Caribbean island of Santa Carlito. I may even do this as a multi group campaign where each "team" can affect the story line.
Other game project ideas:
The Adventures of Jack Harrison: A pulp adventure featuring the Jack Harrison model by Reaper Miniatures. I plan to use only Reaper miniatures for this game and their RAGE engine for the rules. I plan to make it a convention game and hope to run it at Recruits Convention in Lee's Summit Missouri some time in the future.
Starfarers of Sol: A sci-fi setting based entirely on our own solar system without aliens.
Deadlands: I'd really like to play a Deadlands campaign.
Pirates: Yeah pirates.
Arthurian: I've had a number of abortative attempts at doing a rpg set in Arthurian England.
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplaying: I keep buying the books but can't get people interested.
Mordheim/Necromunda: Yeah the two GW games I actually want to play but everyone else wants to play the money pit games.
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Dry Brushing Update
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
August painting project "Speed Techniques"
Dry Brushing
First up will be dry brushing. Now dry brushing is considered a very basic technique and it's often looked down on by contest and display painters but it can be a very good way to achieve quick and dramatic results. I will try to paint five models using entirely dry brushing as a means of highlighting and I will try to get the best results I can as quickly as possible.
Minwax Dip
I've never actually tried this technique but I've seen it used in several tutorials. Basically you block in the colors on a miniature then dip the mini in a pot of Minwax finish and shake off the excess paint. I think the trick to this technique is to use colors a shade or two brighter than you normally would to get the best results. I'm gonna give it a try anyway.
Emphasised Washes
This is a new technique I've never seen but it makes sense. I first heard of it on the Reaper forums in the speed painting section but the origional article was posted on Cool Mini or Not. I've not tried this one either so it will be a first. Here is the article.
Tanks and Trolls Wash and Highlight technique
I've been using this technique a lot lately although I think I've been taking it a bit further than the origional article. Still it's faster than doing different color washes for each color. I'm going to see if I can't cut back a bit and do some more like the origional article.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Miniature or more a day update.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Miniature or more a day 18

Saturday, July 19, 2008
Miniature a day update
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Miniature a Day 17
Here's a scavenger from Copplestone Castings Future Wars. He's begging to get written into a zombie game sometime in the future but for now he'll probably play the part of random gun toating NPC in my Serenity RPG.

Miniature a Day 16
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Miniature a Day 15
Miniature a day update
Monday, July 14, 2008
Miniature or more a Day 14
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Miniature or more in a day 13
Well it's the 13th of the month and I've just finished the 13th miniature. It's the last of my Alliance Militia which is cool. I was starting to get tired of them. I was going to try and finish up my fed squad but they have very similar colors so I'm just going to do up some PCs and random NPCs over the next week. I need a break from using the same six pots of paint over and over again.
I may be able to get more done today and if so I'll post them later but my studio is trashed and I need to mow the lawn so I'm not making any promises.
Friday, July 11, 2008
Miniature or More in a Day update.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Miniature or More a Day 8
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Miniature a day short update.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Miniature a Day Strike Two
Monday, July 7, 2008
Miniature a Day 7
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Miniature a day Strike One....

Strike one.Well this was more of a foul ball that looked like a home run but went just the wrong side of the pole. I got about 90% done with two more of my militia figs but I just couldn't wrap them up. We had a party to go to late in the afternoon and so I only had about 4-5 hours to paint. I would still have probably finished but I spent at least two of those hours playing WoW. It was for a good cause though. We had our game groups 4th of July party on the 5th. Actually it was more than just our game group. About 30 or so people were there. One of the GMs in our group has a really nice house out in the country about 15 miles from town. We had great food and drink and all the Dads had fun shooting various firearms on the property owners firing range. The AK-47 was my favorite. One of the guys in the group worked at a fireworks stand so he came with about $1,000 in fireworks. Best show I've ever seen at a private party.Anyway I should be able to finish what I started today quite easily tomorrow but I'm afraid I may end up getting another strike on Tuesday because I have to be out of town that day.
Friday, July 4, 2008
Miniatuer a Day 4
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Miniature a Day 3
Both of these are from Copplestone Castings Future Wars line. They are civilian militia and I intend to use them as Alliance Militia for my Serenity RPG game.
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Miniature a Day 2

Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Miniature a day 1.5

Miniature or more a day project!
Here's my day one entry. July 1st 2008

Sunday, June 22, 2008
Serenity: a WIP shot and a new vehical.

Thursday, June 12, 2008
More Serenity Miniature Work

I also started working on the PC minis. This is a miniature from Urban Mamoths Urban War line. The character's name is Ben and he's the groups pilot and face man.
The player who is going to be playing Ben sent me this render of his character. The thing about minis is that you can't always match your mini to exactly what the character looks like. I think I made a pretty good match for this character. The hair is different and the render doesn't have facial hair but the basic elements of the character are the same and I tried to make my paintjob match his concept as best I could.
This is Toni the crew's mechanic. It's my wife's character and she did the paintjob on this one. I think it turned out real nice.
I expect to do a lot more Serenity projects in the next few months. Watch this spot.
Friday, June 6, 2008
Alliance Fedrals for Serenity

I decided to speed paint these guys in the same fashion I've been doing my speed paints recently. First I blocked in the colors on the whole squad and even the base on these troops. The box set came with 20 troopers but my experience with the Serenity rules left me feeling the rules didn't support really large combat encounters very well so I decided to pick only 10 troopers to paint. I decided on pretty much just troops with regular weapons though I did pick the sniper and communications officer as well.
After I block in the colors I washed the whole squad with a wash mixed from burnt umber, dark blue, and a drop or future floor wash diluted with water until I got the consistency I liked. I then start my highlighting with the color I used as a base and two additional layers of lighter highlights. As you can see I'm highlighting pretty loosely. These are definitely table top paint jobs and I'm trying to keep the time down on these. I hope they will end up looking nice but they are in no way display models.
So far I've been able to get the jumpsuits highlighted on five of the troops. I've only got about 3-4 hours painting this squad so that's not bad. I usually work from large area to small when doing this stage of highlights. It makes each stage go faster than the previous stage which is a great help when doing larger squads.