Sunday, January 11, 2009
Ramdom Stuff update
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Major Projects for 2009
Forest of Mystery: February/March

The Sands of Time: June/July

The Sands of time will be a multi genre Egyptian adventure project. I plan to build a pyramid and tomb complexes as well as a small Egyptian town and an oasis. I also plan to paint several Egyptian theamed monsters like mummies, giant scorpians, and avatars and servants of the egyptian gods.
Out on the Rim: October/November
Out on the Rim will be a generic sci-fi space port located on a desolate rim world. I hope to have at least three light to medium freighters and six or more shuttles and fighters as well as support vehicals of various types. All of the inhabitants will be either human or droid because I want to use this space port for many different settings. Each ship will have a crew and there will also be maintence crew, a security force, a staff, a cantina with employees, and a few other interesting characters.
Those are my major projects for 2009. I will also have a few minor and ongoing projects that I will detail later.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
B.M.A.P. Unholy Alliance Episode 3

Mid May 1919 Paris France at the headquarters of La Brigade Mobiles Des Affaires Paranormales or B.M.A.P. It has been two months since the Thule Society tried and failed to free their comrade Oswald Worst from the farmhouse where he was recovering. However agents have been unsuccessful getting any information out of them regarding the whereabouts of the vampire Monique De Noir. Assistant director Gaston Piccard has decided to add some new blood to the investigation team. In addition to agents Selena De Fonce and Marie Duchamp the director assigns Andrea Zeenich a brilliant but eccentric scientist, Alfred “Allie” Bellows an American ex marine sniper, and Isabella Nivasi a gypsy occultist.

Agents De Fonce and Duchamp decide to research French vampires in the B.M.A.P. Library while agents Bellows, Nivasi, and Zeenich decide to questions Oswald Worst and Rutger Howser since none of them had a chance to question the prisoner.
After some forceful interrogation the agents manage to find out that the Thule society planned to return De Noir to her castle in Belgium which was somewhere near Oostende. The agents researching also come up with a clue. There was a vampire named Matthias the Twisted who was something of a vampire historian. He kept a detailed history of the vampires of northern Europe until he as entombed beneath Paris in the 12 century by Louis IX also know as Saint Louis. Saint Louis had a key made from the femur of Saint Vitus to seal the lock on the tomb and he also had a map made and both the key and map were placed in a reliquary.

The team decided that they wanted to travel to Oosetende to try and find De Noir's castle but Assistant director Piccard said it would take him at least a week to make the arrangements. The team would need convincing cover persona and passports and tickets to operate in a foreign country. Considering this set back and the fact they did not know exactly where De Noir's castle was they decided to follow the lead they had about Matthias the Twisted. After doing a little more research they found out that Louis IX housed many important artifacts including the Crown of Thorns and a piece of the True Cross in the Sainte-Chapelle his personal chapel which was not far from the B.M.A.P. Headquarters.

The team visited the Sainte-Chapelle that Friday and asked the priest there about the relics they were looking for. The priest said he would look into the matter and they should return on Monday. With nothing else today they returned to research.
Agents Duchamp and De Fonce decided to research Saint Louis at the Bibliotheque National while the rest of the agents returned to headquarters. While looking through a book on Saint Louis agent Duchamp discovers a note tucked between the pages of the book. Its in a strange code she can not read so she decides to return to headquarters to have it decoded by the agency specialist

The strange note turned out to be the crazed ramblings of a member of La Confrérie de La Mort Rouge a secret society of vampire worshipers. The note mentioned the “Twisted” one and stated that the key to the masters chamber lay in the chapel of Saint Louis.
The Agents returned to the Sante-Chapelle Sunday and presented their new evidence to the priest. The priest said he had looked into the matter and that two years ago La Confrérie de La Mort Rouge had tried to steal the key and map from the chapel so they moved it to the church of Pierre Blanche a small town in the Aquitaine region.
On Monday the agents boarded a train for Bordeaux. After they arrived in Bordeaux they obtained a pair of trucks and drove the rest of the way to Pierre Blanche. They arrived Tuesday in the early afternoon only to find the road into town had been barricaded off.
Agent Duchamp takes a pop shot at one of the cultist. He is shaken but not down. Fortunately for her two of the other cultist in the ally have been taken down by her friends although the magic user is still up.
Agent De Fonce and one of the townsfolk move in to subdue the magic using cultist.
Sunday, January 4, 2009
GW Grave Guard WIP 1
Well I picked up these plastic grave guard from the local game store today. Got em for about $22.00 with a bit of a discount. They are really nice figures but not for the novice. They are quite fiddly to put together but the results are quite a bit nicer than most of GWs plastic sets. I got these guys for my B.M.A.P. pulp adventure game but I'm doing them up so I can use them later in a Vampire Counts army.
It took me a few hours to assemble them although I was watching movies and even playing World of Warcraft at the time. I need to have these guys and a few other minis done by the end of this week for a B.M.A.P. game so I'm going to use the combination basecote/wash/drybrush/highlight technique I used on the cultist from Pulp Figures that I posted in my last post. With any luck I'll be done with them by Monday night at the latest.
Just another note. The blue stuff on their bases is light card stock I cut from a 12 pack of soda. I often use it for making a broken tile floor.