I've started working on a new security company project for my space port. The project is based around the Nova Corp miniatures from Reaper's
Chronoscope line. These minis have a great look for a futuristic security company. These first five troopers are ones I purchased when they first came out and Reaper only had two poses
available. I've had them base coated for a while now but I only just started painting them yesterday.
I'm also working on some vehicles. The "Hummer" based vehicles behind the troopers are 1/43rd scale toys I picked up at a local Dollar General. They are from a company called
Burago and I think they scale quite nicely with the minis. I plan to eventually paint them as black and whites and add light bars to them to give them a "police" look.
The flying craft in the background are a pair of G.I. Joe "
Skysweeper" jets. I plan to turn these into aerospace patrol craft for the company. Just like the ground patrol vehicles I plan to paint these up as black and whites and add light bars to the tops. I've already finished one of these craft for the project. That project can be found
here. For these security ships I may add back some of the
missiles and bombs that came with the jets since a security company would be able to have the license for such ordinance.

Here are some new trooper blisters I picked up recently of all the new sculpts. This will bring my total number of troopers up to 12 which I think is a good number for the spaceport. I also plan to add a "chief" and a couple of detective teams as well as a few civilian
personnel. That should bring the total number of employees to about 20.
I will also be building a station for the security company with landing pads for the ships and holding cells for prisoners.