Sunday, January 12, 2014

2014 Projects part 2: Civilians

 In addition to our two major terrain projects we really want to get a collection of sci-fi civilians together for our setting.  Normally I think of miniatures in terms of combat for both RPGs and war games however there are times when unarmed civilians come in useful for both those things.  Sometimes you have characters who are not armed or not apparently armed.  Sometimes you need civilians for hostage scenarios or escort missions or just as background for unexpected fire fights.  The "bad guys" might grab one for a human shield and the "good guys" are much less likely to go tossing about frag grenades in a crowded marketplace.  At least we hope they would....
 After doing quite a bit of searching I've collected several images that I think I would like to emulate in 28mm.  Some of these I may convert from existing models and some of them I may sculpt over dollies.  Others I will probably kitbash.  I"m also going to be looking for some similar concepts in existing miniatures although there aren't a lot of civilian figures out there for sci-fi like there are for fantasy, modern, and historic settings.
 I really don't have much more to say about the project.  I'm actually hoping to get started on it as soon as possible although there are a few other projects I will likely do first.  Anyway here are the rest of the images:


commissarmoody said...

Really like the dudes in the tapered pants/baggy pants and future hoodies.
Looking forward to seeing how you pull this off.

Lasgunpacker said...

Nice collection of images. I think Antenocities GOT line is probably the only one that really fits, although the old Void civilians might too (although they have guns and are more like gangers)

As you are already planning on conversions, the Wargames foundry figures could work too, but again, guns...

Ironworker said...

I'm defiantly looking to get some of those GOT figs. They are probably the best Sci-fi civilian set I know of. I'm also hoping to do several custom conversion though. I also considered the Wargames Factory survivor sets. It's not the guns that I have a problem with but the poses are a bit too dynamic for most civilian uses.

RoVe said...

There's another small line of futuristic civilians that's not very well known:

And if you don't want to buy the pack, just individual minis: